Tactical and Strategic Optimization Made Easy
Radical Tools is affordable, yet so powerful and flexible that it can be used to optimize site locations, do mode and carrier selection, evaluate changes to your transportation network, audit your carriers and so much more.

Distance Calculations & Geocoding
Incredibly fast, easy, and accurate distance calculations using US zip codes, Canadian Postal Codes, or City/States

Transportation Rating & Optimization
Fast and easy Package, LTL and Truckload rating geared towards analysis, yet accurate enough to do auditing

Network and Supply Chain Design
Quickly evaluate impact of adding, moving or closing facilities

Distance Calculations & Geocoding
Radical Tools can calculate direct or road network distances between two zip codes or postal codes using a simple Excel formula. If you don’t have zip codes, use city and states. Radical Tools can even revert to approximate zip 3 locations if you have an invalid zip code.
A number of functions are available to help do data cleanup, since not all other software is as forgiving as Radical!
Transportation Rating & Optimization
Calculate Package Rates, LTL Rates and Truckload Rates with simple Excel formulas. Import you own Carrier Contracts and identify opportunities for mode changes. Evaluate impact of fuel price changes. Estimate impact of new business, or changes in service requirements.

Network Design and Site Location
There are many specialized solutions available to do complex network analysis studies. However, they all tend to be very expensive, not to mention complicated to use.
The vast majority of network studies are actually rather simple and for those, Radical Tools will generate solutions faster and better, yet at a fraction of the price of the competition. For more complex studies, several of our customers are using Radical Tools to do accurate rating and distance calculations as input to other tools, as well as refining the output from these tools.
Radical Logistics has several templates available that can be used to start your own network design model.